The Cheesecake Factory is known for more than just cheesecake. They’re known for a comically large menu with over 250 choices. Despite having a menu of many possibilities, 87% of Gen Z adults admit to suffering from menu anxiety by feeling overwhelmed. That’s why The Cheesecake Factory is going to appeal to Gen Z by breaking down the menu bite-by-bite to let them know that any decision at The Cheesecake Factory is the delicious decision.

Special deck of cards on each table for those needing a little extra guidance on their delicious decision. Simply draw a card for each course and may the odds always be in your favor!

Dining experience

In an effort to ease in-store menu anxiety, there will be bar coasters to take the edge off.

Where there’s a mall, there’s a Cheesecake

If you’ve ever thought “That menu is so long I wish I had more time to read that” boy do we have news for you! The Cheesecake Factory The Complete Collection large print coffee table book will be available for purchase this National Cheesecake Day. Available for purchase only in restaurants and on our site.

For a closer read

Speaking Gen Z’s language, Cheesecake will create a TikTok filter version of the table card game.

New audiences

Menu researchers

People with menu anxiety become quite familiar with menus before even stepping foot in a restaurant. The table card game is going digital for all the pre-dining menu researchers.

Art Director: Jessica Tenenbaum

Copywriters: John Nichols & Rose Carlson